(1) ARE YOU MY BEST FRIEND? will you be there when I'm down, And Catch me when I'm fall? will you hold me when I need to feel the warmth of your touch? will you laugh when I'm laugh, will you cry when I'm cry? will you let me rant and rave, when I need to let off steam? will you discuss those paintfull things, that you'd rather not think about? like the time we've hurt each other, and promise would never do so again? will you say the right thing, when all I've heard is the wrong? and tell me soothing words, that's make the pain I feel subside? will you understand me when I say, "I cant see you now, go away!"? will you come back when I call, as if nothing happened at all if you'll do these thing for me, and keep smiling all the way, if you'll be with me though the bad times, as well as the good. the truly you are my bestfriend, my pal, my mate, and my confid...
One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. Henry Adams Dear Sahabat, Untuk memudahkan kita dalam berkomunikasi dan menjaga tali silaturahmi, yuk kita isi form data almumni. Tidak lama kok, hanya butuh waktu kurang dari 10 menit untu mengisi form ini, DATA BASE SMA CIKAL HARAPAN 2 And thanks ya buat yang sudah mengisi formnya, yang belum mengisi atau baru liat-liat doang, ditunggu datanya. Friendship is the soul’s heaven. A. Bronson Alcott